Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reprocudtive Health Bill

Chelsea Samatra, Kenneth Ragus Samatra,Ragus 1 Ms. Daligcon Period 4 A Battery That Makes Cents Abstract Many coins in the pile will make the most electricity. If there are more coins in the pile, then the more electricity it can produce, because the more electrons you have, the more electricity you will get. Batteries are expensive, but you can make one for exactly 24 cents! In this experiment, you will make your own voltaic pile using pennies and nickels. In the data, we will see if the number of pennies and nickels will affect the number of voltage and current.Problem How many coins in the pile will make the most electricity? Hypothesis If there are more coins, then the more electricity it can produce, because the more electrons you have the more electricity you will get. Samatra, Ragus 2 Background/Research You might think that batteries are a modern invention, but batteries were one of the first ways of making electricity. Alessandro Volta discovered the first electric battery i n 1800. He made a giant stack of alternating layers of zinc, blotting paper soaked in salt water, and silver. This early design for a battery became known as the  voltaic pile.How does a voltaic pile make electricity? The key to electricity is the movement of  electrons. In a voltaic pile, electrons move from one metal to the other through the saltwater solution. The saltwater solution is called an  electrolyte, and it contains  ions  in solution from the dissolved salts. An ion is a group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge. The ions react with the metals, causing an  electrochemical reaction, a special kind of chemical reaction that makes electrons. The two types of metals in a voltaic pile are called  electrodes.Since there are two kinds of metals, one metal reacts more strongly than the other, which leaves an electrical potential difference, also called voltage, between the two types of metals. One metal becomes positively charged, the posi tive electrode and the other becomes negatively charged, the negative electrode. This causes electrons to move, creating an electrical  current  which is measured in amperes, and then you have electricity! In addition, the formula for voltage is current times resistance or V = I*R, so the formula for current will be voltage divided by resistance or I = V/R.Samatra, Ragus 3 Vocabulary Words: * Electrochemical Reaction – branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of electricity and the production of electricity by chemical reactions * Electron – Also called negatron, an elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of matter * Voltaic Pile – battery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Volta. * Electrolyte – a liquid or gel that contains ions and can be decomposed by electrolysis. Materials The materials and equipments that are needed for the experiment are: * Pennies (4) Nickels ( 4) * Mild dish soap * Vinegar (any kind, 1/4 C. ) * Salt (1 Tbsp. ) * Small bow * Small plate (ceramic, plastic, or Styrofoam not paper or metal) * Digital multimeter (any kind that reads mA and mV) Samatra, Ragus 4 * Paper towels (2) * Scissors The procedures for the experiment are: 1. In a small bowl, mix together 1/4 C. of vinegar (electrolyte) and 1 Tbsp. of salt (ions). 2. Using scissors, cut up a paper towel into small squares. 3. Place the small squares to soak in the bowl of salt-vinegar solution, and set them aside. 4.Gather some pennies and nickels, wash with a mild detergent (like dish soap), and dry. 5. Start building your stack on a dry paper towel on your plate. Put down a penny first, then place a square of vinegar-soaked paper towel on top, and then add a nickel. Keep repeating the layers until you have a stack of four coins (alternating pennies, wet paper towel pieces, and nickels), making sure you end with a nickel on top. 6. Attach the leads of the multimeter to t he two ends of the battery by touching one lead to the penny on the bottom and the other to the nickel on the top.Measure the voltage produced by your battery (in millivolts, mV). You can also measure the current produced (in milliamps, mA). Samatra, Ragus 5 7. Repeat the experiment, each time building a battery with a different number of coins. One important rule is to always start with a penny and end in a nickel, so the number of layers of pennies and nickels will always match. The record of the data table: Number of Pennies| Number of Nickels| Voltage (mV)| Current (mA)| 4| 4| 6. 8| 1. 7| 5| 5| 9. 5| 1. 9| 6| 6| 12. 6| 2. 1|The data above shows that number of coins in the pile had affected the amount of electricity produced. The viewer can obviously tell that, why? Because the data shows that the more pennies and nickels you have in yorur pile, the more amount of electricity you can produced. The amount of electricity produced on 4 pennies and nickels is 6. 8, why because the re sistance was 4 and then the current was 1. 7 and the formula for voltage is V=I*R . The amount of voltage in 5 pennies and nickels is 9. 5 and its current was 1. 9. The amount of voltage in 6 pennies and nickels is 12. and its current was 2. 1. Samatra, Ragus 6 Sample Models This image shows the structure of a voltaic pile, which is the first design of a battery that's used to make electricity. It was discovered by Alessandro Volta in 1800. In this experiment, you will make your own version of the voltaic pile using two different types of coins and a salt-vinegar solution. How does a voltaic pile made of money work? Since each coin is made up of a different metal, one metal reacts more strongly than the other, which leaves an electrical potential difference (voltage) between the two types of metals.The question is, how will different numbers of coins affect the amount of electricity produced? By making piles with different numbers of coins and measuring the voltage and current produ ced, you can test the effect of changing the number of coins in the piles. Samatra, Ragus 7 Analysis Amount of the Voltage (Pennies ; Nickels) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 (4 pennies ; nickels) (5 pennies ; nickels) (6 pennies and nickels) The graphs shows that the number of pennies and nickels whether it increase or decrease, it will affect the amount of the voltage (mV).The graph above specifically shows and tell us that increasing the number of nickels and pennies will increase the amount of voltage. In a very short way, the more pennies and nickels the more voltage and current. The formula for voltage was V = I * R, so the formula for current was I = V/R and then the formula for resistance was R = V/I. Samatra, Ragus 8 Conclusion In conclusion, many coins in the pile will make the most electricity, i proved that my hypothesis was right the more coins in the pile, then the more electricity it can produce, because the more electrons you have, the more electricity you will get.The data that I made was connected to the research section because the research section, it tells the reader that can the number of pennies and nickels will affect the amount of the voltage? So my data shows that the number of the pennies and nickels did really affect the amount of the voltage. I will always remember that the more electrons/coins in the pile, the more electricity/voltage it can produced.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Appearances are Deceiving in Shakespeare’s Macbeth Essay

The Renaissance play The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, truly demonstrated a compelling tale of greed, power, and jealousy. The play revealed the turn of a good nobleman into a powerful and greedy king. It showed audiences how one crime led to another and eventually to a gruesome melee. Throughout the tragedy there appeared to be a reoccurring theme stated finest as appearances are deceiving. The audience is first introduced to the theme in the first scene of the play where the witches said the profound phrase, â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair† (I, i, 10). The Tragedy of Macbeth continued to present the idea of images being deceivingly different from the actual appearance. First, in Act I, the key phrase, â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair† (I, i, 10), was expressed as an example of the constant theme. That main phrase foreshadowed how appearances could deceive because, in essence, it stated that good was bad and bad was good. At first, the audience was shown that Macbeth was a gentle nobleman who would despise the thought of killing. However, Lady Macbeth, his wife, was greedy from the start of the play and continued to persuade her husband into killing the king, Duncan. The phrase foreshadowed the change in characters as well, because Macbeth was the â€Å"fair† individual, as his wife would start as the â€Å"foul† one. Further on, Banquo asked Macbeth, â€Å"Good sir, why do you start, and seem to fear / Things that do sound so fair?† (I, iii, 51-52) after he was told news by witches that he would be king. He was asking why he was frightened by good news; meanwhile, the audience knew that the witches were pernicious souls. In that passage, the appearance or sound of the news was good, but the truth was not fully told and therefore was misleading. Next, Lady Macbeth tells her husband, â€Å"Only look up clear / To alter favor ever is to fear† (I, v, 70). She told Macbeth to look composed and that he should not have an altered or worried face because such behavior would be dangerous. If the noblemen had noticed Macbeth acting nervous then he would be a prime suspect for the future murder they talked about. Lady Macbeth’s plan was to be calm and camouflage their guilty appearance, deceiving everyone. She coveted the title of queen to such an extent that she continued to badger her husband into killing the King until he said yes. After, they conspired his murder, Duncan arrived at Inverness, Macbeth’s castle, and said, â€Å"This castle hath a  pleasant seat; the air / Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself / Unto our gentle senses† (I, vi, 1-3). This quote was ironic and again demonstrated the thought that appearances are deceiving. The audience knew that Duncan was going to die there, which certainly not pleasing or nice, as he described the castle. The appearance of the castle’s serenity was deceiving. In Act I, many examples showed outward appearances were in reality deceiving to the characters. Furthermore, three main examples in Act II clearly stood behind the theme of the drama. Looks appeared deceiving first when Lady Macbeth was told about King Duncan’s death by Macduff. Lady Macbeth pretended as if she was shocked by saying, â€Å"Woe, alas! / What, in our house?† (II, iii, 82-83). She asked the question as if she did not know what had happened; her appearance in the situation was misleading to all the other characters. Later in the same scene, another example of Lady Macbeth’s facade occurred when Macbeth started rambling and drew attention to himself. To distract the guests, Lady Macbeth feigned fainting, gasping, â€Å"Help me hence, ho!† (II, iii, 113). She took on the form of a mourning, frightened woman. Soon after her performance, Duncan’s sons, Donalbain and Malcolm, contemplated fleeing. Donalbain commented, â€Å"There’s daggers in men’s smiles† (II, iii, 134). Here he was saying that one of the noblemen was lying–pretending to be their ally when in reality one of them is a wretched murderer. He and Malcolm flew for fear of their own lives, but to others it seemed to be a sign of their guilt, another false appearance. These three examples in Act II fortify the theme of false appearances. Additionally, Act III was replete with examples of the theme. Macbeth told Banquo, â€Å"We should have else desired your good advice / †¦ / In this day’s council; but we’ll take tomorrow[,]† (III, i, 20, 22) even though he knew Banquo will not see tomorrow, for Macbeth was arranging his murder. Then, he calumniated that Malcolm and Donalbain â€Å"are bestowed / In England and in Ireland, not confessing / Their cruel parricide,† (III, i, 29-31) when, of course, he knows they are innocent of any wrongdoing. After Banquo leaves his palace, he told his guests that â€Å"To make society / The sweeter welcome, we will keep ourself / Till supper-time alone[,]† (III, i, 43) when in  reality, he just wants time to consort with men to scheme Banquo’s murder. In a discussion with his wife just before supper, Macbeth tells her to â€Å"Let [her] remembrance apply to Banquo[,]† whilst he knows that Banquo will be dead that night. Macbeth p eriodically deceives his guests with his words. In addition, Act IV of Macbeth abundantly used examples of deceiving appearances. In the first scene of the fourth act, the three witches conjured apparitions for Macbeth. The second apparition, a bloody child, told Macbeth, â€Å"†¦for none of woman born / Shall harm Macbeth† (IV, i, 80-81). Macbeth assumed every person was born of woman; therefore, he was invincible. However, he did not see that the apparition was implying an unnatural birth, a caesarian section; and a false sense of hope was instilled in him. The third apparition, a crowned child holding a tree, proclaimed, â€Å"Macbeth shall never vanquished be until / Great Burnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill / Shall come against [Macbeth]† (IV, i, 92-94). Macbeth again took this warning as he pleased. The king exclaimed that trees could not uproot themselves and walk toward Dunsinane Hill, upon which sat his house; therefore, Macbeth would never be vanquished. The apparition, however, meant when the wood itself, which could be cut down and carried by people, reached the hill, he would be vanquished. While this was happening, Macduff, a former friend of Macbeth, left in search of Malcolm, the rightful heir to the throne. Macduff needed the help of Malcolm to overthrow the tyrant. When Macduff reached Malcolm, he was unsure if he could trust Macduff so he fabricated a false scenario of what it might be like if he were king. Malcolm told Macduff, â€Å"and the poor state / Esteem him as a lamb, being compared / With my confineless harms† (IV, iv, 53-55). Malcolm made himself out to be an immoral man to test Macduff. Malcolm actually wanted to discover if he could trust Macduff’s intentions. In Act IV, Macbeth was oblivious to the double meanings, but soon after the terrible truth announced itself to the overconfident Macbeth. Finally, in Act V, the three apparitions came true in reverse order, and the second and third apparitions surprised Macbeth with their ambiguous meanings. The third apparition was brought to Macbeth’s attention by a messenger who exclaimed, â€Å"Within this three mile my you see it coming / I  say a moving grove† (V, v, 37-38). Macbeth began to realize the grave meanings of the apparitions. He began to suspect the ambiguous meanings and proclaimed, â€Å"I pull in resolution, and begin / To doubt th’ equivocation of the fiend / That lies like the truth† (V, v, 42-44). Next, the second apparition proved itself true. Macduff came to fight Macbeth, but the king was not at all frightened. Macbeth told his adversary he had no reason to fear Macduff because any person born from a woman could harm him. Macduff replied, â€Å"Macduff was from his mother’s womb / Untimely ripped† (V, viii, 15-16). Startled, Macbeth then realized that the second apparition meant that one born and unnatural birth could slay him. Macbeth was ashamed that he had refused to see the apparitions’ warnings. Macbeth then said, â€Å"And be these juggling fiends no more believed / That palter with us in a double sense† (V, viii, 20-21). Macbeth had been defeated and it was no one’s fault but his own for being close-minded and overconfident. The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, had numerous examples of deceptive happenings. The play shows how one evil deed will lead to another. Shakespeare also showed how a person’s character could reverse drastically through the many happenings a person must endure, good or bad. In this case, the change was sparked in Macbeth due to his own greed for power. At the beginning of the play, the phrase was spoken: â€Å"Foul is fair, and fair is foul† (I, i. 10) by the three malevolent witches. Shakespeare’s play kept readers on guard by continuously presenting the idea of images, actions, and words being deceivingly different from how they appeared.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Anheuser-Busch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Anheuser-Busch - Essay Example While most of the processes are undertaken under the same production plant, the first stage of the production process is undertaken in a different facility, where the raw materials to be used in the production process, such as barley and rice are germinated under controlled environmental conditions, to develop the grains’ natural enzymes (malt), in readiness for the next process. This activity occurs in the maltster, as the initial component of the production facility design (Knoedelseder, 2012). From here, the production process proceeds to the kiln, which is the second component of the production facility design, where the germinated raw materials are then dried under controlled temperature. It is at the kiln that the color of the grains is determined, by controlling the temperatures based on the desired color of the beer to be produced (Hernon, 1972). Additionally, the kiln also aids in the control of the flavor of the beer to be produced, by drying the grains to different degrees, based on the desired flavors. ... The three components of the production facility design are housed in the malt plant, after which the product produced from the malt plant is now taken to the brew house, where the rest of the production process is to continue. In the brew house, the products from the mash plant, which are now found in the form of already milled and grounded powder, are mixed together with water at the mash tank, which is the fourth component of the production facility design. Mixing the mash plant products is done at the right controlled temperatures, where the enzymes in the malt are now converted from starches into sugars, forming a product referred to as wort sugars, which is a fermentable sugar product (Hernon, 1972). This process is referred to as the wort formation, which determines the flavors of the beer to be produced, depending on the ingredients of the malt mash and the controlled temperatures that are applied. To obtain the wort, the mixture of water and the powdered mash plant products a re strained in the lauter tun; the fifth component of the production facility design, to give out the amber liquid, which is called wort. This is an important process in the beer production process, since the components, color and flavor of the wort determines the aroma, the taste and the overall taste of the beer finally produced (Hernon, 1972). From here the process proceeds to the six component of the production facility, which is the brew kettles (Knoedelseder, 2012). This is the container that holds the wort produced in the previous stage, which is then boiled and then mixed with hops. Hops are the major spices of the beer, which are added to produce the brand that is desired, differentiated on the basis of special flavor, aroma and beer character (Lang & Rubovits, 1992).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Organizational Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organizational Management - Assignment Example der to assist organizational members to be able to concentrate on achieving the stipulated strategies while also improving efficiency (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). There are companies that have increased their overall efficiency, thus realizing greater profits while saving on costs, as a result of introducing an organizational design model that improved their operations (Maztoul & Malek, 2014). For instance, the U.S. Army’s organizational design is basically in the form of a matrix structure in which distinct functions are connected with subsystems such as the combat and production subsystem. The operations that fall under the production subsystem include functional commands, training command, and installation operations. The integrating subsystem is tasked with integrating all other systems together while the combat subsystem transforms the existing assets into combat ready implements. The Army has in the recent past effected a far-reaching organizational design transformation that is based on re-alignment. The main aim of implementing the re-alignment was to strike a balance between different levels of authority while also meeting the growing needs of the army personnel (Cocks, 2014). The corporate design implementation process successfully met these objectives while also drawing attention to the importance of team-building. Â  In my time as a supervisor in the communications operations within the United States Marine Corps, the importance of the concept of communication has emerged as one of the most significant determinants of success in any operations. Basically, communication involves the exchanging of information between a receiver and a sender. In my position as a supervisor in the United States Marine Corp, I communicate regularly with other marines, the senior members of the Marine Corps, and the surrounding community. I know that my interpersonal skills, personality, past training experiences, and even challenges I have gone through have made it

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cloud Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Cloud Computing - Essay Example Balance in most cases remains the weight that is distributed in the design through placement of the industry’s elements. Alignment; - In most distribution industries, alignment as a design principle allows the creation of order and organization. It also allows the creation of visual connection within the organization (Morris, 2012). Contrast; - This design principle generally allows organizations to focus on its design elements and by doing this, it helps in improving processes within the organization. Lastly, the space allows free movement in organization especially during the organization processes (Morris, 2012). Adhering to the fundamental design principles is therefore important especially during the development of secure applications. Effective adherence of the design principles in most cases provides balance and a continuation during the development of secure applications. Adherence of the fundamental designs also provides improvement during the development of secure

Monday, August 26, 2019

BIOTECHNOLOGY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

BIOTECHNOLOGY - Coursework Example Human cloning in its most basic form is the act of taking one individual and making an exact biological replica of that organism (Genetic Science Learning Center, 2013). Dolly the Sheep was conceived and born into the world; however she suffered from a few health conditions, including rapid aging, which ultimately claimed her life at half the life span of a normal sheep. This means that cloning does come with the some obvious and unavoidable side effects that cannot go unaddressed. At the same time, it, also, offers some amazing potential benefits that cannot be ignored. For this reason, the debate over cloning of any living thing will remain ever-present for some time to come. Cloning is at the top of the list of potential biotechnological advances. Given the provided definition of biotechnologies, cloning, ultimately, fits in nicely with that definition. Cloning could provide means to treat illness, eliminate the need for unrelated organ donors, and better the medical futures of generations of people. Some researchers believe that cloning of animal and plant life could be the solution to hunger; not only can the numbers be forcibly produced, but disease and weaknesses can be bred out. It is human beings stepping into the role of creator and providing themselves with what they â€Å"need.† In this case, it is the ability to develop clones of living people for whatever endeavors that they see fit. This may allow human beings, particularly, to breed for desired traits and eliminate those that are not; they may even be able to inbreed resistance to certain diseases. It could, also, be beneficial for people unable to produce offspring of their own; inf ertility could be completely overridden (Oak, 2011).The potential positive outcomes are inviting. However, there are side effects that are far less attractive. There is the possibility of misuse of the technology, of course. There are the concerns involving the limiting of genetic

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Google or Yahoo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Google or Yahoo - Essay Example The following figure proves the above stated argument: Figure 1: Over-diversified features of Yahoo versus simple and focused features of Google (Ong, 2011) The lack of a consistent vision of Yahoo prevails even in the present times. Ray (2010) shared useful information regarding their frequent changes in the mission statement on their official website; the definition of their service has been changed into various things like internet navigational service, online media company etc in the past few years. The achievement of Google’s foremost business goal of maintaining the best search engine has been enough to steal the web visitors of Yahoo. Google’s simplicity and focused vision wins them the edge over the over-diversified aims of Yahoo. Google launched other web services like Gmail, Google Maps, Google Earth etc after they had perfected their core competency of search engine service. 2.2 Better Service and Storage Space of Webmail Service Google launched their webmail service in 2004 when they announced the Gmail service. At that time, Yahoo and other companies were already providing webmail services that offered free limited data storage of about 10MB; any greater amount of storage was charged. Google electrified the market with their first mover’s advantage of offering 1GB storage space. Along with the credit of first mover’s advantage, Biggs (2007) stated that Gmail is considered to be much faster than Yahoo mail. Yahoo has imitated the strategy of offering greater data storage to their clients but has failed to earn back the web users who migrated to Gmail. The following table highlights some valuable facts regarding the dominance of Gmail over Yahoo... After conducting an extensive study of the prevailing market share, features and services of Yahoo and Google, it can be concluded that Google gains a competitive advantage over Yahoo. Google has been able to increase their products and services over an elongated period of time by perfecting each one of them before stepping into newer domains. On the contrary, over diversified efforts and lack of a consistent vision has caused Yahoo’s efforts to be diverted in a wide range of services. Gmail offers greater storage and speed performance as compared to Yahoo mail. Google Adwords is based on more reliable and rewarding marketing strategies that help their clients to gain greater return on their investments. Greater coverage of Google helps their clients to cover a greater segment of web users.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention Coursework - 1

Tuition assistance in the work place and its effects on retention - Coursework Example ), most organizations focus on employees’ growth that takes diverse forms of education including training initiatives other than leadership training; cross-functional training; management training; and development training. However, the survey revealed that three of the least used employee development programs were job sharing, official professional mentoring programs, and job alternations. Tuition assistance programs are said to have numerous benefits like tuition satisfaction, improvement of working environment, effective recruitment tools, reduced turnover and increased loyalty to the firm one is working. According to Jacobs (2011), employees’ turnover implies the rate of employees entering and leaving a firm within the time span of one year. In the wake of a recovering economy after the 2008 economic recession, employers are experiencing high employee turnover rates. These turnover issues are beyond what employers could have dealt with in the past when recession forced most of them into downsizing and restructuring. In this regard, turnover rates experienced by most employers currently are way above what most employers consistently deal with. For now, most employers hope that the current employees’ turnover outburst is a onetime issue that will go away with the turning around of the economy. Based on natural wisdom, no turnover rate is perfect especially since good turnover for one firm could be bad for another. In addition, it is hard to define bad turnover and good turnover since different firms in different industries have their own rates. Turnover could vary within industries and depend on geography. In this case, turnover rates are just an abstract number whose value evaluated relative to other facts and numbers like unemployment rates, and local and national politics amongst other. The crucial aspect that employers need to understand in evaluating turnover is the impact arising from both internal and external factors and develops the best way to

The impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Developing States Essay

The impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Developing States - Essay Example This paper tries to evaluate the overall effects of the global financial crisis on developing countries. It analyzes the economic situations during the crisis in major developing states in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. Extraordinary financing, massive flow of remittance in developing states, and high commodity costs were the fundamental components of the economic boom in the developing countries between 2003 and 2007. The global financial crisis (GFC) initially trembled the banking systems in North America and Europe. The first developing states to face the crisis were those which had its majority of financial sectors linked with the global market. Next, it caused impact on domestic and international trade as prices and volumes of manufacturing and commodities felled across the world. Low workers like, street vendors, garbage pickers along with blue-collar workers affected mostly due to job-and pay-cuts. As remittances from migrant workers from the North America and Europe hit badly, large population in developing and poor states, which were highly dependent on it, was significantly affected. Due to the global financial crisis of 2007, developing and emerging economies in all over the world faced a drastic drop in output growth. The aggregate GDP growth decline in the newly industrialized and emerging Asian economies such as, Singapore (17.9%), Hong Kong (10.9%), Malaysia (9.9%), and Korea (9.2%) was larger compare to that in the developing economies of Central and Eastern Europe such as Russia (14%), Turkey (9.6%), Poland (7.3%), and Hungary (4.3%). Among the Asian countries, Singapore had the greatest GDP growth decline followed by Hong Kong and Malaysia.